I. P..

 "It's kind of fun

to do the impossible."

Walt Disney

Works of art by Ivana Protic have effects which go beyond any relationship with reality, arising from the evocation of impulses that the artist subconsciously feels, which are transformed into a seductive structural composition, where colours blend into a drawing that seems to be more an impulse of the soul than a well-defined project structure, which give that depth and dimension of perspective, being the only rule in works of art outside the conventional canons.

Mysterious and irresistible forces emerge to the surface of the piece with intensive dark colours, creating the atmosphere of restlessness. 

Claudio Lepri

I. P..





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Ivana Protic was born in 1978. in Belgrade. She studied at The Accademy of Applied Arts in her hometown.She participated The First International encountment at the “Knjaz Estate” in Podgorica in 2003.,and The 8.World Biennale of Art in miniature in G.Milanovac in 2005.

  • 2005.solo exibition,Cacak
  • 2006.group exibition,Prague
  • 2008.solo exibition ,G.Milanovac
  • 2009.solo exibition,Belgrade
  • 2010.group exibition,Cologne
  • 2013.february,Margutta street,gallery “Il Mondo dell’Arte”,Rome
  • 2013.july,Embassy of the Republic of Serbia,Rome
  • 2013.october,Arts&Crafts,Belgrade
  • 2016.april,The Internation Art Project ,Monaco
  • 2018. Art Palm Springs, represented by the BOCCARA ART gallery in Monaco.
  • 2021. Started doing digital art
  • 2022. exibition Monte Carlo galery “Espace 22” , organized by Multiartevents by Wendy Lauwers
  • 2023.World Art Dubai 9-12 march, represented by Multiartgallery Monaco

Ivana Protic è nata nel 1978. a Belgrado. Ha studiata presso l’Accademia di arti applicate nella sua città natale. Ha partecipata al primo incontro internazionale al “Knjaz Estate” di Podgorica nel 2003. e all’8° Biennale d’arte mondiale in miniatura in G.Milanovac nel 2005.

  • 2005. mostra personale, Cacak
  • 2006. mostra collettiva, Praga
  • 2008.mostra personale ,G.Milanovac
  • 2009.mostra personale,Belgrado
  • 2010. mostra collettiva, Colonia
  • 2013.febbraio,via Margutta,galleria “Il Mondo dell’Arte” ,Roma
  • 2013.luglio,Ambasciata della Repubblica di Serbia,Roma
  • 2013.ottobre,Arti e artigianato,Belgrado
  • 2016.aprile,The International Art Project,Monaco
  • 2018. Art Palm Springs, rappresentata dalla galleria BOCCARA ART di Monaco
  • 2021 Ha iniziato a lavorare nell’arte digitale
  • 2022. exibition Monte Carlo galery “Espace 22” , organized by Multiartevents by Wendy Lauwers
  • 2023.World Art Dubai 9-12 march, represented by Multiartgallery Monaco

Ivana Protic est née en 1978. a Belgrade.Elle a fait ses études à l’Académie d’Art dans sa ville natale .Elle a participê à la première rencontre internationale de peintres à “Imanje Knjaz” à Podgorica en 2003 ,ainsi que à la biennale mondiale de miniatures d’art à Gornji Milanovac en 2005.

  • 2005. Exposition solo à Cacak
  • 2006. Exposition de groupe à Prague
  • 2008. Exposition solo a G.Milanovac
  • 2009. Expositin de groupe à Cologne
  • 2013. février , Via Margutta , Rome
  • 2013. juillet ,Ambasade de Serbie , Rome
  • 2013. octobre ,Exposition à Belgrade
  • 2016. 1. Internationale Project d’Art , Côte D’ Azur
  • 2018. Art Palm Springs, représenté par BOCCARA ART galerie de Monaco
  • en 2021 Elle a commencé à travailler dans l’art numérique
  • 2022. exibition Monte Carlo galery “Espace 22” , organized by Multiartevents by Wendy Lauwers
  • 2023.World Art Dubai 9-12 march, represented by Multiartgallery Monaco

Ivana Protić 1978 年出生于贝尔格莱德,曾就读于家乡的应用艺术学院。2003 年,她参加了在波德戈里察 Imanje Knjaz 餐厅举行的第一届国际艺术会议 (the First International Art Meeting),2005 年,她参加了在上米拉诺瓦茨举行的第八届微型艺术双年展 (the Eight Biennale of Miniature Art)。

  • 2005 年,个展,查查克
  • 2006 年,联展,布拉格
  • 2008 年,个展,上米拉诺瓦茨
  • 2009 年,个展,贝尔格莱德
  • 2010 年,联展,科隆
  • 2010 年 2 月,罗马玛尔古塔街
  • 2013 年 7 月,塞尔维亚共和国驻罗马大使馆
  • 2013 年 10 月,贝尔格莱德
  • 2016年摩纳哥国际艺术项目
  • 2018年,棕榈泉艺术会,由摩纳哥的BOCCRA ART画廊被代理
  • 2021年开启创作数码艺术
  • 2022. exibition Monte Carlo galery “Espace 22” , organized by Multiartevents by Wendy Lauwers
  • 2023.World Art Dubai 9-12 march, represented by Multiartgallery Monaco